
September 10, 7 a.m. MT

Interested in entering United States power markets? Wondering how to get started?


Hosted by Yes Energy and Time2Market, this webinar will cover what makes US power markets attractive, opportunities in each Independent System Operator (ISO), the variety of tradable products, market entry procedures, and how to get started.


Space is limited – save your spot today!

September 12, 11 a.m. PT

Before going live in CAISO’s Western Energy Imbalance Market (WEIM), Redding Electric Utility (REU) replaced all of its third-party and homegrown front-to-back-office systems with Power Settlements’ PowerCore™ platform.


This webinar will focus on the REU team’s front-office implementation and use of PowerCore, which has delivered significant efficiency, time, and resource savings, plus stakeholder benefits. The main topics for discussion will center on how REU has leveraged PowerCore to streamline and optimize:

  • Resource bidding and scheduling
  • Position management
  • ETRM
  • E-tagging.

Register now!

October 22, 12 p.m., Japan

AI-induced data center and chip manufacturing growth, energy conservation, climate change, and electrification trends all make power demand forecasting more uncertain. Long gone are the days when demand forecasting was only a major concern during the peak summer and winter months. With the seasons changing and prevalence of weather-sensitive renewables, demand and renewables generation forecasts are now important year round.


Let us guide you through these trends during our interactive discussion at this lunch and learn. (The webinar will be recorded, and you can receive the slides and/or recording if you can't attend in person.)


Learn more and register now!