"Yes Energy brings asset developers all of the data that they need to make those really big, complex decisions, from pricing information to the new build-out of transmission and other generation assets so that they can bring in all of that complex information and make decisions that are going to assure that the assets that they're building are performant once they're in the markets."

- Immerse yourself in comprehensive ISO market data.
- Find the best opportunities using visual analysis tools.
- Analyze market drivers most impactful to your business.
- Plan for the unexpected to ensure profitability and reliability.

- Expand your analyses with full access to robust, comprehensive, engineered, secure Yes Energy® data.
- Choose from secure API, Cloud, and Lake technologies.
- Scale your business with access to increased data volumes and automated processes.

- Produce market price forecasts, analyze generation and transmission development, and make optimal power supply decisions.
- Data setup and reporting is simple and intuitive.
- Model outputs have a higher level of resilience because they factor in ancillary services in modeling.

- Yes Energy Marketplace offers add-on datasets that provide additional transparency into market dynamics.
- Map, analyze, and forecast infrastructure new builds and retirements.
- Track all physical contracts and transactions in wholesale power markets.
- Obtain clean, ready-to-use lat/long data.
“The long-term planning impact if we didn't have a Yes Energy subscription, it would take me a long time, it would be a lot of effort for myself to go out there into the ISOs website to pull that data, with Yes Energy, it's pretty simple.”

Cliff Rose
Senior Product Manager
"The dynamics of the grid are constantly shifting. Our solutions are designed to keep asset developers informed and to help them make better data-driven plant siting decisions."

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What to Know about PJM Plant Retirements