Custom Energy Demand Forecasting Solutions

TESLA energy demand forecasting model

The Challenge

You need to forecast how to serve load to your customers. While you could compute it internally, you can save time and reduce costs by relying on a team of global experts who have exclusively done forecasting for more than 30 years.

The Solution

Our team can use your internal data, ours, or your preferred vendor’s to create an accurate energy demand forecasting model. We provide models with more granular detail than publicly available market data, updated at least every hour.


  • Know what to expect on typically less predictable days, such as those with extreme weather.
  • Save time and money rather than dedicate staff to producing energy demand forecasting models.
  • Easily integrate TESLA energy demand forecasting solutions into your systems.
TESLA Forecasting
TESLA energy demand forecasting model

For Utility Companies

Request customized energy demand forecasting solutions for native loads and control zones to improve your short-term scheduling and balancing. You can also use our standard medium and long-range projection tools to inform infrastructure and risk management decisions and optimize your generation portfolio.

For Cooperatives and Municipal Systems

Use our customized energy demand forecasting solutions for native loads and surrounding wholesale markets to help you meet your members’ needs, optimize your generation portfolio, and maximize your collective buying power. 

Request a demo


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